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Harbour East 港匯東

  • Office Building
  • 218 Electric Road
  • North Point

Harbour East 港匯東

  • Office Building
  • 218 Electric Road
  • North Point

Harbour East is a 22-storey grade A Commercial Building situated in 218 Electric Road just 2-mins walk from Fortress Hill MTR station (Exit A). Grade A buildings like 228 Electric Road, AIA Tower and Fortress Tower are in its close vicinity.

Its total GFA is approximately 121,000 sq.ft. with . It has 3 passenger lifts and 1 service lift. To comply with the sustainable green practices in improving energy efficiency and environmental management, Harbour East has achieved BEAM Plus NB V1.2 - Final Platinum rating.

Harbour East is a single ownership Commercial Building with offices of 3019 sq.ft. on lettable available for rent at around HK$65 per sq.ft.. Occupiers are mostly from Asset Management, Securities and Professional Services. Click Here for full stock listing in this building.

  • Office
  • 5 Years
  • A
Usage Office (For Rent)
No. of Storeys
  • 22 (Above Ground)
  • 22 Floors (Office)
  • 2 Floors (Retail)
Year Completed 2019
Ownership Single Landlord
Total GFA 121,000 ft²
Typical Floor Area 5,438 - 5,556 ft²
Floor System Raised floor
Air Conditioning
  • Central A/C (Fancoils)
  • Mon to Fri 08:00 - 19:00
  • Sat 08:00 - 19:00
Management & A/C Fee
  • HK$7.60
  • per ft²
  • (Last Updated: 2023)
  • 3 (Passenger)
  • 1 (Service)
False Ceiliing Height 2.70 (Meter)
Slab-to-slab Height 4.00 (Meter)
Anchor Tenant
  • Fubon Securities (Hong Kong) Ltd
  • Labour Dept Registry Of Trade Unions ( Sub-Office)
  • Sing Pao Investment Ltd
Features BEAM, Interconnected Building Complex, LEED Certified (Platinum)
  • Fortress Hill - Within 2 minutes walk (A Exit)
Carpark (Inhouse)
  • For Tenant Only
  • Monthly
Hotel Nearby
  • Shama Fortress Hill
  • The Mercury
Last Updated 2024-09-02
Ref. B0002789

Current Listings

Recommended Consultants

Raymond Hui 許瑋麟
BBA, Leasing & Investment Expert


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Ms Idy Tsui
Bowie Sieto 司徒卓齡
MBus, Leasing & Investment Expert

"She prepare a property list for me in 15 minutes"

Bowie prepared a property list for me within 15 minutes and the short-list is full of appropriate properties. And She was also willing to offer advices. I am so lucky to meet her for my first office.

  • 4.9 / 5.0
Isabella Wong
Iris Lau 劉汶珊
Leasing & Investment Specialist


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Samuel Lo 盧振曜
MA, Leasing & Investment Expert


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Mr Li

10 Total Reviews with an average rating of 4.4 / 5.0

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Frequently Asked Questions

Harbour East, 218 Electric Road, North Point, Hong Kong

5,438 - 5,556 ft²

HK$64.5 / ft²

This building using Lettable Area to measurement size, the effective ratio is about 80%.

Fubon Securities (Hong Kong) Ltd, Labour Dept Registry Of Trade Unions ( Sub-Office), Sing Pao Investment Ltd

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