De Hua Tower 德華中心
- (Former Name: Horizon Bay , 泓傲)
- Office Building
- 32 Hung To Road
- Kwun Tong
De Hua Tower 德華中心
- (Former Name: Horizon Bay , 泓傲)
- Office Building
- 32 Hung To Road
- Kwun Tong
De Hua Tower 德華中心
- (Former Name: Horizon Bay , 泓傲)
- Office Building
- 32 Hung To Road
- Kwun Tong
Horizon Bay is a 30-storey grade A Commercial Building situated in 32 Hung To Road just 5-mins walk from Ngau Tau Kok MTR station (Exit B6). Grade A buildings like 77 How Ming Street, The Millennity - Tower 2 and Elite Centre are in its close vicinity.
Its total GFA is approximately 141,000 sq.ft. with 20 office floors (11-35/F), 10 retail floors (G-2, 5-10/F) and 6 carpark floors (B1-B4.G & 3/F) offering 84 carparking spaces. It has 3 passenger lifts and 1 service lift. There is a sky garden with spacious outdoor seating surrounded by manicured seasonal flora providing a perfect space for casual meet-ups and creative exchange.
Horizon Bay is a strata-titled Commercial Building with offices of 704 - 6368 sq.ft. on gross available for sale, and for rent at around HK$20 - 21 per sq.ft.. Click Here for full stock listing in this building.
Usage | Office (For Rent & Sale) |
No. of Storeys |
Year Completed | 2023 |
Ownership | Stratified |
Developer |
Total GFA | 141,000 ft² |
Typical Floor Area | 4,848 - 7,458 ft² |
Air Conditioning |
Management & A/C Fee |
Elevator |
Slab-to-slab Height | 3.50 (Meter) |
Management Company | Savills Property Management Ltd |
Features | Sky garden with Seating and Flora |
Carpark (Inhouse) |
Loading & Drop off Facilities |
Hotel Nearby |
Last Updated | 2025-02-28 |
Ref. | B0017962 |
Current Listings
Latest Transaction
Transaction Date | District | Property Name | Floor | Area Approx. | Transaction Price | Unit Price | Source |
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