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COS Centre 中海日升中心

  • Retail Space
  • 52-56 Tsun Yip Street
  • Kwun Tong

COS Centre 中海日升中心

  • Retail Space
  • 52-56 Tsun Yip Street
  • Kwun Tong

COS Centre is a famous Shopping Aracade/ Retail Podium located in 52-56 Tsun Yip Street just 10-mins walk from Kwun Tong MTR station (Exit ). Grade A buildings like Two Sky Parc and Landmark East Tower 1 - AXA Tower are in its close vicinity. To comply with the sustainable green practices in improving energy efficiency and environmental management, COS Centre has achieved BEAM Plus EB V2.0 - Excellent rating.

COS Centre is a strata-titled Shopping Aracade/ Retail Podium with shops available for sale, and for rent.

  • Arcade / CommPodium
  • 9 Years
  • A
Usage Retail Shop (For Rent & Sale)
No. of Storeys
  • 2 (Above Ground)
Year Completed 2015
Ownership Stratified
Air Conditioning
  • Central A/C
Management & A/C Fee
  • To be confirmed
Features BEAM
  • Kwun Tong - Within 10 minutes walk
Carpark (Inhouse)
  • Open to Public
  • Daily
  • Hourly
Loading & Drop off Facilities
  • Loading/Unloading Area
Hotel Nearby
  • Hotel COZi Harbour View
  • Holiday Inn Express Hong Kong Kowloon CBD2
Last Updated 2024-09-02
Ref. B0007178

Current Listings

Recommended Consultants

Bowie Sieto 司徒卓齡
MBus, Leasing & Investment Expert

"Bowie is Professional "

Bowie is a professional commercial property agent, her understanding the property market well. She understand what we need and she seems to have all the answer of our questions for real estate. It was such a pleasure working with her.

  • 4.9 / 5.0
Mr Leung
Hins Lee 李文軒
BBA, Leasing & Investment Expert

"Best agent ever"

Hins is being very helpful to assist our office relocation

  • 5.0 / 5.0
Compliance company
Sam Lau 劉省三
Leasing & Investment Specialist


  • 4.7 / 5.0
Iris Lau 劉汶珊
Leasing & Investment Specialist


  • 4.6 / 5.0

56 Total Reviews with an average rating of 4.8 / 5.0

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Frequently Asked Questions

COS Centre, 52-56 Tsun Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon

HK$64.0 / ft²

This building using Gross Area to measurement size, the effective ratio is about 60 - 70%.

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