Artisan Hub
- Office Building
- 9 Luk Hop Street
- Sanpokong
Artisan Hub
- Office Building
- 9 Luk Hop Street
- Sanpokong
Artisan Hub
- Office Building
- 9 Luk Hop Street
- Sanpokong
Artisan Hub is a 10-storey Commercial Building situated in 9 Luk Hop Street just 10-mins walk from Diamond Hill MTR station (Exit ). Grade A buildings like Maxgrand Plaza, The Burrow and Win Plaza are in its close vicinity.
Its total GFA is approximately 64,000 sq.ft. with 7 office floors (5-11/F) and 4 retail floors (G-3/F). It has 2 passenger lifts and 1 service lift. To comply with the sustainable green practices in improving energy efficiency and environmental management, Artisan Hub has achieved BEAM Plus NB V1.2 - Final Gold rating.
Artisan Hub is one of the commercial buildings in Sanpokong suitable for semi-retail operation.
Artisan Hub is a single ownership Commercial Building with office and shops available for rent.
Usage | Office (For Rent- Also for Semi Retail usage) |
No. of Storeys |
Year Completed | 1966 / Renovated in 2018 |
Ownership | Single Landlord |
Total GFA | 64,000 ft² |
Typical Floor Area | 5,564 - 6,889 ft² |
Air Conditioning |
Management & A/C Fee |
Elevator |
Slab-to-slab Height | 3.10 (Meter) |
Management Company | New World Property Management Co Ltd |
Features | BEAM (Plus NB V1.2 - Final Gold) |
Carpark (Inhouse) | Not Available |
Carpark Nearby |
Hotel Nearby |
Last Updated | 2025-01-09 |
Ref. | B0004653 |
Current Listings
Latest Transaction
Transaction Date | District | Property Name | Floor | Area Approx. | Transaction Price | Unit Price | Source |
2024-09-13 | Kwun Tong District | Four Seas Group Centre | High Floor | 16,969 ft² | HK$160,000,000 | HK$9,428 | Land Registry |
2024-09-13 | Kwun Tong District | Four Seas Group Centre | High Floor | 8,000 ft² | HK$45,400,000 | HK$5,675 | Land Registry |
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