HSBC Main Building 香港上海匯豐銀行總行大廈
- Office Building
- 1 Queen's Road Central, Des Voeux Road Central, Bank Street
- Central
HSBC Main Building 香港上海匯豐銀行總行大廈
- Office Building
- 1 Queen's Road Central, Des Voeux Road Central, Bank Street
- Central
HSBC Main Building 香港上海匯豐銀行總行大廈
- Office Building
- 1 Queen's Road Central, Des Voeux Road Central, Bank Street
- Central
HSBC Main Building is a 46-storey double A Commercial Building located at the junction of Queen's Road Central, Des Voeux Road Central and Bank Street just 5-mins walk from Central MTR station (Exit K). Grade A buildings like Standard Chartered Bank Building, Bank of China Building and Henley Building are in its close vicinity. It has 6 passenger lifts and 1 cargo lift.
HSBC Main Building is a strata-titled Commercial Building with offices available for sale, and for rent. Occupiers are mostly from Banking & Finance.
Usage | Office (For Rent & Sale) |
No. of Storeys |
Year Completed | 1986 |
Ownership | Stratified |
Air Conditioning |
Management & A/C Fee |
Elevator |
Management Company | ISS EastPoint Property Management Ltd |
Anchor Tenant |
Carpark (Inhouse) | Not Available |
Carpark Nearby |
Hotel Nearby |
Last Updated | 2024-12-20 |
Ref. | B0000163 |
Current Listings
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